Word from the Master
Dear all,
With a rejuvenated website, our school, your school, is getting a new look and becoming more visible: a more fluid navigation now facilitates access to all activities, some of which are now available in online videos.
Thanh Long Truong Son school aims to improve the communication of our activities for the benefits of everybody.
A big thank you to the website team, Raymond, Pierre-Philippe, Clara, Hoan and Camille for putting their competence and enthusiasm into this renovation. The team will be working on adding other new features in future versions of the website.
This new showcase of our school comes at the right time as we are opening to modern approaches while preserving the spirit and the tradition of which I am the guardian. It is not always easy but I am making sure to take care of them.
It is also your responsibility to make the website thrive for the benefits of as many people as possible.
It is all the dynamics of the Thanh Long Truong Son school that is thus mobilized!
The Master
Dan Viet Gerard